Ти молодчинка! Помилки переправ:
What does he doing at half past seven?He does'nt eats ( s не треба, бо є does not) at quater past seven- What time does he finish a w
ark (work)?He finishes a wark at five to six
What time does he go to bed?He goes to bed at five to twelw(twelve) - I usually get dressed at half past four (to get dessed - одягатися. дослівно - стати одягнутим)
I usually have a breakfest at ten to five (breakfast)
He does'nt eats at quater past seven
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat time does he finish a work?He finishes a work at five to six
ОтветитьУдалитьHe goes to bed at five to twelve
ОтветитьУдалитьI usually get dressed at half past four