Перепиши правильно та не забувай про ще одне відео.
To wash the dishes - мити посуд.
the light go out - світло зникає (went out в минулому часі, blackout- це іменник).
Whatwaswere you doing last night?I was watching TV ( з you вживається were)!!!!
What happened last night?The lightwas blackouted went out in all town
Whatwas were you doing last night when the light blackoutedwent out ?I was watching editions washing the dishes
What was Doris doing last night when the lightblackoutedwent out?She was taking a bedbath
Did you hill hear (чути) what happened of a station manedger (manager) менеджер and his wife?They was werewriding (riding)on the elevator
Isosaw you yesterday but you didn't see me.When? About four o'clock?Yesterday at four o'clock I was playing the tennis
What was you, Fox, doing yesterday after news?I was washing my clothes.I was visiting my friend
And how about you?Whatwas were you doing?I was whatching watching football play
To wash the dishes - мити посуд.
the light go out - світло зникає (went out в минулому часі, blackout- це іменник).
What happened last night?The light
What was Doris doing last night when the light
Did you hill hear (чути) what happened of a station manedger (manager) менеджер and his wife?They was were
What was you, Fox, doing yesterday after news?I was washing my clothes.I was visiting my friend
And how about you?What
What were you doing last night?I was watching TV
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat happened last night?The light went out in all town
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat were you doing last night when the light went out ?I was washing the dishes
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat was Doris doing last night when the light went out?She was taking a bath
ОтветитьУдалитьDid you hear what happened of a station manager and his wife?They wereriding on the elevator
ОтветитьУдалитьI saw you yesterday but you didn't see me
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd how about you?What were you doing?I was watching football play