суббота, 30 июля 2016 г.

Заповни пропуски в прикладах.

  1. I think we ... go to the zoo next Sunday. (Думаю, що ми підемо в зоопарк наступної неділі.)
  2. I hope she ... help us. (Сподіваюся, вона нам допоможе.)
  3. They ... translate this text later. (Вони перекладуть цей текст пізніше.)
  4. Max will ... here soon. (Макс незабаром буде тут.)
  5. The population of our country ... increase in the 21st century. (Населения нашої країни збільшиться в 21-му столітті.)
  6. The climate ... get warmer. (Клімат потеплішає.)
Напиши речення в майбутньому неозначеному часі (Future Simple).

Example: Rita reads a lot-— Rita will read a lot.
1.It rained heavily in the evening.
       2.We are never late for classes.
3.Granny has coffee in the morning.
4.You are again on holidays.
5.Flowers and trees die without water.
6.He phoned Anna in the afternoon.
7.Max works hard.
8.I always come in time.

2 комментария:

  1. I think we will go to the zoo next Sunday.
    I hope she will help us.
    They wil translate this text later.
    Max will be here soon.
    The population of our country will increase in the 21st century.
    The climate will get warmer.

  2. 1.It will rain heavily in the evening.
    2.We will be never late for classes.
    3.Granny will has coffee in the morning.
    4.You will be again on holidays.
    5.Flowers and trees will die without water.
    6.He will phone Anna in the afternoon.
    7.Max will work hard.
    8.I always will come in time.
