четверг, 28 июля 2016 г.

Привіт! Повторюємо простий теперішній час! Завтра вивчатимемо майбутній!

Подивися відео, випиши речення в простому теперышньому часі


1 комментарий:

  1. I mean,I like him a lot
    I have swimming practice on Mondays
    I do tae kwon do on Tuesdays
    Do you see him on Wednesdays then?
    No,he watches black and white films at his cinema club on Wednesdays
    They watch foreign ones with subtitles too
    Do you go out together at the weekends
    He works in the bookshop all day Saturday and he goes out with his mates from the bookclub on Saturday evenings
    So he loves old films and books?
    Does he like sports?
    He thinks chess is a sport
    Well,He watches football on the telly sometimes ,but he doesn't play any sports
    I think you're right
    The train leaves at five at the morning
    No,she has tennis on Thursdays
    Does she like walking?
