среда, 20 июля 2016 г.

Подивися відео та напиши  10 питань та відповідей з цього відео

Нові слова
blackout-вимкнення світла
to do laundry-займатися пранням
laundromat- то ті пральні де вони ходять. washing machine-пральна машина
that's terrible - це жахливо
to make a mistake - робити помилку
robbery - пограбування

1 комментарий:

  1. What was you doing last night?I was watching TV
    What happened last night?The light was blackouted in all town
    What was you doing last night when the light blackouted?I was watching editions
    What was Doris doing last night when the light blackouted?She was taking a bed
    Did you hill what happened of a station manedger and his wife?They was wriding on the elevator
    I so tou yesterday but you did see me.When?What about four o'clock?Yesterday at four o'clock I was playing the tennis
    What was you Fox doing yesterday after news?I was washing my clothes.I was visiting my friend
    And how about you?What was you doing?I was whatching football play
