пятница, 3 июня 2016 г.

16:37 Jun. 3, 2016

Poroshenko certain Ukraine to get E.U. visa free regime in 2016

Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine, speaks during his live press conference in Kyiv, June 3, 2016. (UNIAN Photo)
Ukrainian president gives live press conference
Ukraine will be granted visa free regime with the E.U. this year, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko claimed during his live press conference on Friday, June 3. He said Ukraine has fulfilled all the requirements of the visa liberalisation plan.
"The European Commission supports the visa-free regime with Ukraine, the next decision will be taken by the Council of the E.U., the Council of Interior Ministers and the European Parliament," the Head of State noticed.

"The only thing still under discussion is that the format of suspending the visa-free regime is being developed not by the Council of the E.U., but by the European Commission. We have no objections. We are certain Ukraine is able to fulfil all obligations it has undertaken," the President stated.
Poroshenko added Ukraine authorities are doing their best to obtain visa liberalisation before autumn.

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