easily правильно!!!!це перекладається як легко
Перепиши твір вже правильно і постарайся запам'ятати. Takoж дай відповідь на запитання: Are there some theatres or cinemas in Rodomsko? Are there a lot of banks?
Let us analyze your composition!
Radomsko is situated in Poland.This town is small.The population is 25 thouseands (thousands) .
Phone booths don't work.There are no many signals. (зауваж тут може бути і not)
No mutch (much) traffic.I can always get a taxi.Pizza is good in Rodomsko.
It's easy to get lunch.The weather is fine.The sun is shining today.
Перепиши твір вже правильно і постарайся запам'ятати. Takoж дай відповідь на запитання: Are there some theatres or cinemas in Rodomsko? Are there a lot of banks?
Let us analyze your composition!
Radomsko is situated in Poland.This town is small.The population is 25 thous
Phone booths don't work.There are no many signals. (зауваж тут може бути і not)
No mu
It's easy to get lunch.The weather is fine.The sun is shining today.
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