среда, 15 июня 2016 г.

Перший топік. Погода.

Ключові фрази : It´s snowing. It´s raining. The sun is shining. What´s the weather like today? It´s ... . Today it´s ... . It´s partly ...

ПЕРЕКЛАДИ СЛОВА: partly cloudy, hazy, changeable, snow shower, rain, fair, warm, sticky, chilly, overcast hail, drizzle, thunder, thunder storm, fog, ice, lightning, mist, wind, sleet,
 It´s thawing, freezing, clearing up, weather chart, weather forecast, weather report, temperature, degrees centigrade

Прочитай текст.

 The sun is shining. Paul goes for a walk(теперішній неозначений час).  It is a warm summer day. Suddenly Paul feels raindrops on his face.  Oh no! It´s raining(теперішній тривалий час). He has no raincoat.  Paul runs home. The wind is blowing.  It´s stormy.  Leaves are falling down (теп. тривалий час) .Paul arrives at home (теперішній неозначений час). HIs clothes are very wet and he freezes.  The weather changed! Paul hears a thunder and sees the ligthning.  It is thundery.  Now it is much colder. Oh, what a summer day!

Типові помилки:

One common mistake learners make when talking about the weather is mixing up the noun, adjective and verb forms of weather words.
Example 1: How's the weather?
It is snow (noun). incorrect
It is snowy (adjective). correct
It is snowing (verb). correct
Example 2: What's it like out?
It is rain (noun). incorrect
It is rainy (adjective). correct
It is raining (verb). correct
Example 3: What's the weather like?
It is sun (noun). incorrect
It is sunny (adjective). correct
The sun is shining (verb). correct

1 комментарий:

  1. partly cloudy-мінлива хмарність, hazy-туманно, changeable-мінлива,snow shower-снігопад, snow shower-дощ,fair-ясно, fair-теплий, sticky-липкий, chilly-зимно, overcast hail,drizzle-мряка, thunder-грім, thunder-гроза, fog-туман, ice-лід, lightning-блискавка, mist-туман,wind- вітер, sleet-мокрий сніг,
    It´s thawing-відтавання,freezing- замороження, clearing up-прояснення, weather chart-карта погоди, weather forecast-прогноз погоди, weather report-прогноз погоди, temperature-температура, degrees centigrade-градусів за Цельсієм
