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Ключові фрази : It´s snowing. It´s raining. The sun is shining. What´s the weather like today? It´s ... . Today it´s ... . It´s partly ...
ПЕРЕКЛАДИ СЛОВА: partly cloudy, hazy, changeable, snow shower, rain, fair, warm, sticky, chilly, overcast hail, drizzle, thunder, thunder storm, fog, ice, lightning, mist, wind, sleet,
It´s thawing, freezing, clearing up, weather chart, weather forecast, weather report, temperature, degrees centigrade
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The sun is shining. Paul goes for a walk(теперішній неозначений час). It is a warm summer day. Suddenly Paul feels raindrops on his face. Oh no! It´s raining(теперішній тривалий час). He has no raincoat. Paul runs home. The wind is blowing. It´s stormy. Leaves are falling down (теп. тривалий час) .Paul arrives at home (теперішній неозначений час). HIs clothes are very wet and he freezes. The weather changed! Paul hears a thunder and sees the ligthning. It is thundery. Now it is much colder. Oh, what a summer day!
Типові помилки:
Ключові фрази : It´s snowing. It´s raining. The sun is shining. What´s the weather like today? It´s ... . Today it´s ... . It´s partly ...
ПЕРЕКЛАДИ СЛОВА: partly cloudy, hazy, changeable, snow shower, rain, fair, warm, sticky, chilly, overcast hail, drizzle, thunder, thunder storm, fog, ice, lightning, mist, wind, sleet,
It´s thawing, freezing, clearing up, weather chart, weather forecast, weather report, temperature, degrees centigrade
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The sun is shining. Paul goes for a walk(теперішній неозначений час). It is a warm summer day. Suddenly Paul feels raindrops on his face. Oh no! It´s raining(теперішній тривалий час). He has no raincoat. Paul runs home. The wind is blowing. It´s stormy. Leaves are falling down (теп. тривалий час) .Paul arrives at home (теперішній неозначений час). HIs clothes are very wet and he freezes. The weather changed! Paul hears a thunder and sees the ligthning. It is thundery. Now it is much colder. Oh, what a summer day!
Типові помилки:
One common mistake learners make when talking about the weather is mixing up the noun, adjective and verb forms of weather words.
Example 1: How's the weather?
It is snow (noun). incorrect
It is snowy (adjective). correct
It is snowing (verb). correct
It is snowy (adjective). correct
It is snowing (verb). correct
Example 2: What's it like out?
It is rain (noun). incorrect
It is rainy (adjective). correct
It is raining (verb). correct
It is rainy (adjective). correct
It is raining (verb). correct
Example 3: What's the weather like?
It is sun (noun). incorrect
It is sunny (adjective). correct
The sun is shining (verb). correct
It is sunny (adjective). correct
The sun is shining (verb). correct
partly cloudy-мінлива хмарність, hazy-туманно, changeable-мінлива,snow shower-снігопад, snow shower-дощ,fair-ясно, fair-теплий, sticky-липкий, chilly-зимно, overcast hail,drizzle-мряка, thunder-грім, thunder-гроза, fog-туман, ice-лід, lightning-блискавка, mist-туман,wind- вітер, sleet-мокрий сніг,
ОтветитьУдалитьIt´s thawing-відтавання,freezing- замороження, clearing up-прояснення, weather chart-карта погоди, weather forecast-прогноз погоди, weather report-прогноз погоди, temperature-температура, degrees centigrade-градусів за Цельсієм