Привіт! Треба скласти спеціальні питання та відповіді із нище наведеними словами. to have had had мати hear heard heard чути to know knew known знати to learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) учити (-ся) to leave left left залишати
Had you washed your hands?Yes,I had washed. Where you heard this song?I heard this song by television. When he knew about this?He knew about this yesterdey. How she learned English?She learned English on the courses. Where they left the key?They left the key on the table.
Had you washed your hands?Yes,I had washed.
ОтветитьУдалитьWhere you heard this song?I heard this song by television.
When he knew about this?He knew about this yesterdey.
How she learned English?She learned English on the courses.
Where they left the key?They left the key on the table.