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A1: We are having a school concert in two weeks. We’d better start preparing for it right now.
B: Wе can do it tomorrow, can’t we? I would rather go for a walk now. The weather is so nice!
A2: No, I agree with Jan. We should start today in order to finish preparation on time.
B: OK, what do you want me to do?
A1: Any ideas?
B: I personally enjoy watching other people work. I can be a supervisor of the concert, you know.
A2: Stop joking! I want you to be serious!
B: OK, OK. I give up. No talking, no joking. Just thinking and giving good ideas.
A1: Great, I think we should invite Kate to open the concert. She’s got a good voice and she could sing one of her new songs.
B: Go on speaking. I like the way you’re thinking.
A1, A2: Tim!
B: You're probably right. But it's worth listening to her first. I heard her sing last time, she wasn’t very good.
A1: Why don’t we invite her and make her play and sing something?
A2: Good, Remember to call her tonight.
A1: Ok.
B: So, what’s next?
A1: We are having a school concert in two weeks. We’d better start preparing-готуватися for it right now.
ОтветитьУдалитьB: Wе can do it tomorrow, can’t we? I would rather go for a walk now. The weather is so nice!
A2: No, I agree with Jan. We should start today in order to finish-закінчити preparation on time.
B: OK, what do you want me to do-зробити?
A1: Any ideas?
B: I personally enjoy watching-дивитися other people work. I can be a supervisor of the concert, you know.
A2: Stop joking! I want you to be-бути serious!
B: OK, OK. I give up. No talking, no joking. Just thinking and giving good ideas.
A1: Great, I think we should invite Kate to open-відкрити the concert. She’s got a good voice and she could sing one of her new songs.
B: Go on speaking. I like the way you’re thinking.
A1, A2: Tim!
B: You're probably right. But it's worth listening to her first. I heard her sing last time, she wasn’t very good.
A1: Why don’t we invite her and make her play and sing something?
A2: Good, Remember to call-подзвонити her tonight.
A1: Ok.
B: So, what’s next?
Stop joking-перестань жартувати
ОтветитьУдалитьNo talking, no joking. Just thinking and giving good ideas-ніяких розмов.ніяких жартів.лише роздуми і хороші ідеї
ОтветитьУдалитьGo on speaking. I like the way you’re thinking.-продовжуй говорити.мені подобається напрямок твоєї думки
ОтветитьУдалитьworth listening-варто слухати