вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

Прочитай. Переклад инезнайомі слова. Зверди увагу на виокремлені герундії
— What kind of traveling do you prefer?
— I used to go camping and backpacking when I was a student, but now that I’m a family man with a wife and two little kids, my priority is
finding a comfortable and leisurely vacation.
— Where do you usually travel?
— I pick places with good infrastructure and tourist facilities. On our
last trip we went to Malaysia. We spent four days in Kuala Lumpur and
then took a domestic flight to the Langkawi resort.
— Langkawi is an island, isn’t it?
— Exactly. It’s a group of islands off the west coast of Malaysia and
one of the world’s most famous resorts with white sand beaches and
that solitude so much missed in big cities.
— How long did it take you to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi?
— One hour.

1 комментарий:

  1. camping кемпінг
    backpacking піший туризм
    finding пошук
    leisurely спокійний
    facilities споруди
    domestic flight внутрішній рейс
    solitude безлюдний
