среда, 30 ноября 2016 г.

Ex.1. Вставте дієслово to be (am, is, або  are)

1. What... your name? — My name ... Shirley Frank.
2. What... your address? — My address ... 175 Grand Central Parkway.
3. What... your phone number? — My phone number... 718-1930.
4. Where ... you from? — I... from New York.
5. I... a pupil. 6. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist.
7. ... your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she ... .
8. ... they at home? — No, they ... not at home, they ... at work.
9. My brother ... a worker. He ... at work.
10. ... you an engineer? — Yes, I....
11.... your sister a typist? — No, she ... not a typist, she ... a student.
12.... your brother at school? — Yes, he ....
13.... your sister at school? — No, she ... not at school.
14. My sister ... at home.
15.... this your watch? — Yes, it....
16. She ... an actress.
17. This ... my bag.
18. My uncle ... an office worker.
19. He ... at w:ork.
20. Helen ... a painter.She has some fine pictures. They ... on the walls. She has much paper. It... on the shelf. The shelf... brown. It... on the wall. Helen has a brother. He ... a student. He has a family. His family ... not in St. Petersburg, it... in Moscow.

Переклади  та вивчи
Вони не проти піти на роботу ( doesn't mind +герундый)
Вони не проти важко працювати для досячнення мети.( doesn't mind +герундый + for reaching their goals)
Вони не проти зустрітися,

вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

Прочитай. Переклад инезнайомі слова. Зверди увагу на виокремлені герундії
— What kind of traveling do you prefer?
— I used to go camping and backpacking when I was a student, but now that I’m a family man with a wife and two little kids, my priority is
finding a comfortable and leisurely vacation.
— Where do you usually travel?
— I pick places with good infrastructure and tourist facilities. On our
last trip we went to Malaysia. We spent four days in Kuala Lumpur and
then took a domestic flight to the Langkawi resort.
— Langkawi is an island, isn’t it?
— Exactly. It’s a group of islands off the west coast of Malaysia and
one of the world’s most famous resorts with white sand beaches and
that solitude so much missed in big cities.
— How long did it take you to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi?
— One hour.
Після деяких дієслів може бути і герундій і інфінітив, протезначення речення змінюється:
I stopped smoking- я кинув курити
I stopped to smoke - я зупинився, щоб закурити!!!

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

Попропускав в діалозі масу герундіїв, наприклад Stop joking.

1 Use the verbs in brackets to fill the gaps.

1  We arranged_____________ under the station clock at half nine. ( to meet )
2  I always try to avoid_____________ him whenever I can. ( to see )
3  I long _____________ in Scotland again. ( to be )
4  My Mum demanded _____________ the manager. ( to see)
5  My brother denied_____________ my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. ( to eat )
6  I tried _____________ but I just couldn't. ( to understand )
7  In the end I gave up_____________ to persuade her. ( to try )
8  Charlie was pretending _____________ a chicken. ( to be )
9  They chose_____________ in a cheap hotel but spend more money on meals. ( to stay)
10  We like Galicia so much that we keep _____________ back there. ( to go )
11  He deserves_____________ severely punished. ( to be )
12  When we visit my aunt, they expect me _____________ on my best behaviour. ( to be )
13  I didn't mean _____________ her feelings. I'm really sorry. ( to hurt )
14  I always put off_____________ my homework until the last possible moment. ( to do )
15  He goes on _____________ me the same thing over andover again. ( to tell )
16  I can't stand _____________ in the queue at the baker's. ( to wait )
17  The firemen managed_____________ the fire pretty quickly. ( to put out )
18  I never risk_____________ through that part of town. ( to go )
19  Clare offered _____________ me to the airport, which was very kind of her. ( to take )
20  Dad threatened_____________ my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. ( to stop )

пятница, 25 ноября 2016 г.

Запамятай та перекладиInfinitive without to
1. We’d better start preparing for it right now.2. I would rather go for a walk now.3. . She let him do this.

Прочитай діалог. Підкресли герундії та інфінітиви і переклади їх. 
 Не поплутай герундій з теперішнім тривалим

A1: We are having a school concert in two weeks. We’d better start preparing for it right now.
B: Wе can do it tomorrow, can’t we? I would rather go for a walk now. The weather is so nice!
A2: No, I agree with Jan. We should start today in order to finish preparation on time.
B: OK, what do you want me to do?
A1: Any ideas?
B: I personally enjoy watching other people work. I can be a supervisor of the concert, you know.
A2: Stop joking! I want you to be serious!
B: OK, OK. I give up. No talking, no joking. Just thinking and giving good ideas.
A1: Great, I think we should invite Kate to open the concert. She’s got a good voice and she could sing one of her new songs.
B: Go on speaking. I like the way you’re thinking.
A1, A2: Tim!
B: You're probably right. But it's worth listening to her first. I heard her sing last time, she wasn’t very good.
A1: Why don’t we invite her and make her play and sing something?
A2: Good, Remember to call her tonight.
A1: Ok.
B: So, what’s next?

Lionel admitted eating my chocolate mousse????
Ліонель визнала, що зїла мій шоколадний мус
Переклади слова після яких вживається лише інфінітив 
Verbs that can precede only infinitives:
offer, decide, hope, attempt, promise, agree, afford, deserve, refuse, undertake, learn, fail, seem, appear, tend, pretend, choose, demand, desire, guarantee, claim, manage, determine, expect, want, wish
Тарас. Ти неуважний і робиш не старанно!

2 I wouldn't like being in his shoes.  - to be (э в прикладах, що це вираз, після якого лише інфінітив)

5 Blast! I forgot buying milk. - Ти написав: Я забув купляння молока. А правильно - я забув купити, тобто інфінітив.

13 I tried persuading him to come but it was no use. try to do smth

среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.


Герундій можна використовувати в якості іменника. Герундій (дієслова+закінчення ing) – можуть перетворити дієслова в іменники. Swim (плавати) – swimming (плавання), write (писати) – writing (письмо).

Інфінітив використовують для позначення мети, тобто для того щоб сказати навіщо ви щось робите. В українській мові це часто позначається словом «щоб».
Наприклад: Він пішов на роботу щоб заробити гроші. – He went to work to earn some money.
Зроби вправу та переклади виділені речення!!!!!

1Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

1  I can't stand________________ in queues. ( to wait )
2  I wouldn't like ________________ in his shoes. ( to be )
3  Jim loves ________________ in Thailand. ( to work )
4  I hate________________ the shopping on Saturday. ( to do)
5  Blast! I forgot ________________ milk. ( to buy )
6  In the end we decided ________________ in. ( to stay )
7  I need________________ some information about Portugal. ( to find )
8  My parents like________________ for long walks at the weekend. ( to go )
9  Tony gave up ________________ years ago. ( to smoke)
10  I wanted ________________ and see Troy but no one else was interested. ( to go )
11  Mrs Leith offered ________________ us to the airport. ( to take )
12  Clare refused ________________ clean up after the party. ( to clean up  )
13  I tried ________________ him to come but it was no use. ( to persuade )
14  Do you mind not ________________ ? ( to smoke )
15  Everybody really enjoyed ________________ the cha-cha-cha. ( to dance )
16  Lionel admitted ________________ my chocolate mousse. ( to eat )

понедельник, 21 ноября 2016 г.

1) We decided _______ a new car. (buy)
2) I regret _______ you we won’t lend you the
money. (tell)
3) Peter gave up _______.(smoke)
4) He'd like _______ an aeroplane.(fly)
5) I enjoy _______ picture postcards. (write)
6) He offered _______ help with the cleaning.
7) Avoid _______ silly mistakes.(make)
8) My parents wanted me _______ home at 11
o'clock. (be)
9) I dream about _______ a big house. (build)
10) He advised me _______ so much money.
(not spend
Gerund or Infinitive - Exercise 1
1) A lot of people are worried about _______their  jobs. (lose)
2) He agreed _______ a new car. (buy)
3) The question is easy _______ (answer)
4) Not everybody can afford _______ to university. (go)
5) I look forward to _______ you at the weekend. (see)
6) Are you thinking of _______ London? (visit)
7) He apologized for _______ so late. (arrive)
8) Stop _______ noise, please; I’m studying. (make)
9) She doesn't mind _______ the night shift. (work)
10) I learned ______ the bike at the age of 5.(ride) 
2)She pretended knowing me.-  to know (вивчи перелік слів після яких інфінітив, окрім того: тут позначається мета дії - вдала, що знає, вивчи правила  )

6)Do you enjoy to taking care of your pet?
  • It is common to think that way.Загальноприйнято так думати
  • It is appropriate to keep a low profile.  Доцыльно не привертати до себе увагу . to keep a low profile- ідіома

пятница, 18 ноября 2016 г.

Встав інфінітив чи герундій.

Fill in the blanks.

1)I decided                      (leave) the job.
2)She pretended                      (know) me.
3)He desires                      (be) a professor.
4)The company considered                     (sell) its main building.
5)I expect                      (win) at this game.
6)Do you enjoy                      (take) care of your pet?
7)She hopes                      (go) on a vacation.
8)Did you fail                      (pass) the exam?
9)They want me                      (take) this position.
10)It is great                     (hear) that they agreed                      (share) the land. 
Переклади слова після яких вживається лише інфінітив 
Verbs that can precede only infinitives:
offer, decide, hope, attempt, promise, agree, afford, deserve, refuse, undertake, learn, fail, seem, appear, tend, pretend, choose, demand, desire, guarantee, claim, manage, determine, expect, want, wish
Вивчи правило та переклади речення.

Commonly, an infinitive is used with the subject it. The sentence structure is "It is                     + infinitive.…" It refers to the infinitive. This expression is used in many ways. 

  • It is time to do math.
  • It is common to think that way.
  • It is appropriate to keep a low profile.
  • It was nice to see you.
  • It was my pleasure to meet you.
  • It was my honor to have dinner with you.
  • It is good to see you.
  • It was great to go on a trip with them.
Тепер щодо інфінітиву. Вживання:
1) Існують дієслова після яких необхідно вживати інфінітив. А саме після: afford, agree, decide, hope, manage, need, offer, promise, tend, want.
Наприклад: Я хочу піти в кіно. – I want to go to cinema. (Слово «хотіти» вказує на вживання інфінітиву).
2) Інфінітив використовують для позначення мети, тобто для того щоб сказати навіщо ви щось робите. В українській мові це часто позначається словом «щоб».
Наприклад: Він пішов на роботу щоб заробити гроші. – He went to work to earn some money.
3) Інфінітив без частки “to”(тобто звичайне дієслово) вживається після модальних дієслів та слів let, make (make – у значення змушувати).
Наприклад: Я мушу йти. – I must go.
4) Також, інфінітив часто вживається у розповідних реченнях (не питаннях!)  після питальних слів, таких як whatwhyhow, etc.
Наприклад: Я не знав що сказати. – I didn’t know what to say.

понедельник, 14 ноября 2016 г.

Склади речення з герундієм.

to be tired of - бути втомленим ..
Прочитай приклади, коли герундій підмет
  • Hunting tigers is dangerous.
  • Flying makes me nervous.
  • Brushing your teeth is important.
Будь уважним, зроби ще однин переклад та той попередній.

They accused him of stealing their money.

She blames him for losing her suitcase.

Excuse me for interrupting you.
Thank you for coming.
He insists on buying a new car.
He objected to selling the house.

We are looking forward to seeing you.
I hope I will succeed at the programing  in

to succeed in smth!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Склади щ

вторник, 8 ноября 2016 г.

Вивчи, склади речення

succeedдосягати успіху  (саксід)


  • 1[no object] Achieve the desired aim or result.
    ‘he succeeded in winning a pardon’
    ‘a mission which could not possibly succeed’
    1. 1.1Attain fame, wealth, or social status.
      ‘the management and business skills you need to succeed’

1. Thank you for having sent me such beautiful flowers.
2. He was accused of having sold important state secrets.
3. He denied having sold them.
4. He insisted on being innocent.
5. He was afraid of being put into prison.
6. The noise in the next room prevented me from thinking.
7. I think of going to the south in summer.
8. The boy denied being constantly scolded and punished.
9. I insist on speaking to him.
10. I was looking forward to seeing my brother.
11. I don't feel like playing lotto today.
12. She succeeded in making a very good translation of this difficult text.

Вивчи та склади речення


(also apologise)


  • Express regret for something that one has done wrong.
    ‘I must apologize for disturbing you like this’
    ‘we apologize to him for our error’


Late 16th century (in the sense ‘make a defensive argument’): from Greek apologizesthai give an account, from apologos (see apologue). In English the verb has always been used as if it were a direct derivative of apology.

1. Не keeps insisting on my going to the south.
2. Oh please  stop laughing at him.
3. Do you mind my asking you a difficult question?
6. She could not help smiling.
7.I cannot put off doing this translation.
8. Though David was tired, he went on walking in the direction of Dover.
9.1 avoided speaking to them about that matter.
10. She burst out crying.
11. They burst out laughing.
12. She denied having been at home that evening.
13. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling.
14. Excuse my leaving you at such a moment.
15. Please forgive my interfering.
16. He gave up smoking a few years ago.
17. They went on talking.
18. Her husband used to smoke, but he stopped smoking two years ago. But it was too late.
19. Have you finished washing the dishes yet?
20. Don't be nervous! Stop biting your nails!
21. He postponed going to New York as he felt ill.

В англ. мові нема тире!!!!
Замість нього іде is

Reading is my favorite lesson(lesson -це урок, ыдеться про activity!!
Programming is my hobby
Learning English is a very interesting process
Cooking brings me much pleasure
Traveling is the most interesting way to spend a vacation

понедельник, 7 ноября 2016 г.

Помилки виправляй, вивчи як правильно і дороби то
The gym opens at 8:00 in the morning. starts - починаэться
Bad driving can has many accidents. (по перше, ми ж вчили, що після can  має бути інфінітив, по друге, тут краще писати cause - спричинити - вивчи це слово)
The Olympic Games are place every four years. take place
They are good pupils. They always decide their homework.decide problem - вирішувати проблему, do homework

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

    Вивчи це слово, прочитай всі приклади, обдумай їх і склади своє речення з ним.


     verb наполягати
  1.   to demand that something happens or that somebody agrees to do somethingI didn't really want to go but he insisted.Stay and have lunch. I insist!‘Please come with us.’ ‘Very well then, if you insist.’insist on something/somebody doing something (formal) She insisted on his/him wearing a suit.insist that… He insists that she come.(British English also) He insists that she should come.Synonyms
  2.  [intransitive, transitive] to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe youinsist on something He insisted on his innocence.insist (that)… He insisted (that) he was innocent.+ speech ‘It's true,’ she insisted.
Iх треба повчити, вони часто вживані. Ті що виділені, взагалі класика!!! Особливо іх вивчи.

She doesn't feel for working on the computer. like
Laura dreams to living on a small island.of
Andrew apologized to being late.for
I don't agree for what you are saying.with
The girls insisted to going out with Kerry.on
Edward thinks for climbing trees this afternoon.of
Вправи де герундій підмет.
1. Читання - моє улювлене занняття.
2. Програмування моє хобі.
3. Вивчення англійської - дуже захоплюючий процес.
4. Готування приносить мені багато задоволення.
5. Подорожі - найцікавіший спосіб провести відпустку.

Present simple вправа
  1. Mike  football very well.
  2. I never  coffee.
  3. The gym  at 8:00 in the morning.
  4. It  at 10:00 P.M.
  5. Bad driving can  many accidents.
  6. My grandparents  in a small flat.
  7. The Olympic Games  place every four years.
  8. They are good pupils. They always  their homework.
  9. Her students  a little French.
  10. I always  early in the morning.
 Поставте дієслова у форму Present Continuous:
  1. Listen to the football fans. They (sing)  songs.
  2. Look at him. He (try)  to help her.
  3. The other one (help)  his father with car.
  4. They feel happy because they (have)  a good time here i
Тарас. ти забув часи 

She is afraid of flying by plane-ok
I am against to fighting in the .... Parliament (House of Parliament)
I am good at cooking-ok
It is used to going in the bus  by bus
I am fond of swimming-ok
He is give...s up writing with a pencil (забув часи.....)
Ukraine... go on fighting for the independence (must)
In addidion to singing I am dancing ok
I am insist....ing  to releasing the prisoners- забув часи
She is intrested in studying ok
I am look forward to working -ok
President objects to arsoning the Majdan 
She is sorry for lossing the job -ok
I am tired of working -ok
They are worry about studying in the USA worring