log on - to enter information related to an account name and its password in order to access a computer resource "The computer user could not log on because he forgot his username and password."
multitasking - concurrent execution of two or more tasks by a processor "UNIX is the original multitasking environment and was designed from the beginning to share resources over a network.
log off - to terminate a connection to a computer or network "The server was set to automatically log off users after 10 minutes of inactivity."
file permissions- a set of strict rules for controlling read, write, and execute access to a file or directory "The company switched from FAT32 to NTFS file system because the former did not support file permissions. "
format - prepare a device to store data, erasing any existing data "One must format a flash memory drive or a hard disk drive before it can used to store data."
hidden file - a file which does not appear by default in a directory listing; normally for security reasons or to spare confusion in end users "The administrator was upset when the end user found a way to display and then delete several hidden files."
kernel - the fundamental part of an operating system responsible for providing access to the machine's hardware "The system administrator needed to upgrade the kernel in order to provide native support for Serial ATA drives.
log on - to enter information related to an account name and its password in order to access a computer resource "The computer user could not log on because he forgot his username and password."
multitasking - concurrent execution of two or more tasks by a processor "UNIX is the original multitasking environment and was designed from the beginning to share resources over a network.
log off - to terminate a connection to a computer or network "The server was set to automatically log off users after 10 minutes of inactivity."
file permissions- a set of strict rules for controlling read, write, and execute access to a file or directory "The company switched from FAT32 to NTFS file system because the former did not support file permissions. "
format - prepare a device to store data, erasing any existing data "One must format a flash memory drive or a hard disk drive before it can used to store data."
hidden file - a file which does not appear by default in a directory listing; normally for security reasons or to spare confusion in end users "The administrator was upset when the end user found a way to display and then delete several hidden files."
kernel - the fundamental part of an operating system responsible for providing access to the machine's hardware "The system administrator needed to upgrade the kernel in order to provide native support for Serial ATA drives.
Вхід - вхід в обліковий запис за допомогою логіну та паролю
ОтветитьУдалитьОдночасне виконання двох або більше завдань за допомогою процесора
ОтветитьУдалитьВихід з компютера або мережі
ОтветитьУдалитьдозвіл файлу - набір правил для контролю виконання файлу
ОтветитьУдалитьФорматування-відформатовування флеш-накопичувача або жорсткого диска для подальшого зберігання даних
ОтветитьУдалитьприхований файл - це файл, який не відображається списку каталогів
ОтветитьУдалитьядро - основна частина операційної системи