вторник, 10 января 2017 г.

Привітик. Прочитай, зрозумій та випиши незнайомі

What Is a Computer System?
A computer system consists of two parts: the software and the
hardware. The software is the information in the form of data and
program instructions. The hardware components are the electronic and
mechanical parts of the system. The basic structure of a computer
system is made up of three main hardware sections: the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), the main memory, and the peripherals.
The CPU is a microprocessor chip which executes program
instructions and coordinates the activities of all the other components.
In a way, it is the "brain" of the computer. Larger computers may have
two or more CPUs, in which case they are simply called "processors"
because each is no longer a "central" unit. Increasingly, personal
computers contain specialized graphic processors, with dedicated
memory, for handling the computations needed to display complex
graphics, such as for three-dimensional simulations and games.
The main memory holds the instructions and data which are
currently being processed by the CPU. The internal memory of a
microcomputer is usually composed of two sections: RAM (Random
Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory).
The peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer.
They include input/output devices as well as storage devices. Input
devices enable us to present information to the computer; for example,
the keyboard and the mouse. Output devices allow us to extract the
results from the computer; for example, we can see the output on the
monitor or in printed form Auxiliary data storage is usually provided
by an internal hard disk and may be supplemented by other media
such as CD-ROMs or DVDs.
These are the main physical units of a computer system,
generally known as the configuration.

1 комментарий:

  1. Central Processing Unit-центральний процесор
    peripheral-периферійний прилад
    include-містити в собі
    generally-в цілому
