Привіт! Тема softwear
Треба зрозуміти значення термінів та перекласти речення-зразки українською!!!
abort- to end a program or a process before its completion "When the word processor application crashed, the user had to abort the program and lose all his unsaved changes."
bug- an error in a computer program "An average developer will create one bug for every 10 lines of code written."
closed source- software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program "I wanted to develop a new feature for the program, but I couldn't because it was closed source."
compatible- capable of being used without modification "The IBM 360 was the first commercially successful computer family with a wide range of compatible parts. "
crash a computer- failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug "The user was advised to reboot the computer after a serious crash in which the computer no longer responded."
Треба зрозуміти значення термінів та перекласти речення-зразки українською!!!
abort- to end a program or a process before its completion "When the word processor application crashed, the user had to abort the program and lose all his unsaved changes."
bug- an error in a computer program "An average developer will create one bug for every 10 lines of code written."
closed source- software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program "I wanted to develop a new feature for the program, but I couldn't because it was closed source."
compatible- capable of being used without modification "The IBM 360 was the first commercially successful computer family with a wide range of compatible parts. "
crash a computer- failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug "The user was advised to reboot the computer after a serious crash in which the computer no longer responded."
abort- закриття програми або процес до її завершення
ОтветитьУдалитьbug- помилка в комп'ютерній програмі
ОтветитьУдалитьclosed source-програма, де ліцензія передбачає, що користувач не може бачити, редагувати або маніпулювати вихідним кодом
ОтветитьУдалитьcrash a computer-компютерний збій через несправність апаратного забезпечення аба помилки програмного забезпечення