воскресенье, 29 января 2017 г.

Привіт! Тема softwear
Треба зрозуміти значення термінів та перекласти речення-зразки українською!!!

abort- to end a program or a process before its completion "When the word processor application crashed, the user had to abort the program and lose all his unsaved changes."

bug- an error in a computer program "An average developer will create one bug for every 10 lines of code written."

closed source- software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program "I wanted to develop a new feature for the program, but I couldn't because it was closed source."

 compatible- capable of being used without modification "The IBM 360 was the first commercially successful computer family with a wide range of compatible parts. "

 crash a computer- failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug "The user was advised to reboot the computer after a serious crash in which the computer no longer responded."

4.What books Mery was liking? Так не можна говорити. Вона ж не в дану секунду любить,а взагалі любить. What books did Mery like?

6.Did you like the new flat Ann? Ann's flat - ТАК ФОРМУЭТСЬЯ ПРИСВЫЙНИЙ ВЫДМЫНОК!!!
7.Where you were yesterday? Where were you...Такий правильний порядок

пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

Привіт. Треба знайти англомовне тлумачення даних слів в неті і зрозуміти що це означає.
5hard disk drive
6super computer
7main frame computer
8bar codes
9swipe cards
11. СPU
12. RAM

Привіт.Прочитай.Напиши свій діалог про роботу за зразком.
— Do you work in an office or at home?/ Вы работаете в офисе или дома?
— Both. On weekdays I work in the office. And on weekends I work at
home./ И то и другое. Я работаю в офисе в течение недели. А по выход-
ным я работаю дома.
— What do you do at your job?/ Чем вы занимаетесь на своей работе?
— I book airplane tickets, boat-trips and hotels. I sell package trips as well./
Я бронирую авиабилеты, круизы и отели. Также я продаю пакетные туры.
— Do you like your job?/ Вам нравится ваша работа?
— I like it because I’m my own boss. I’ve been in this business for over
ten years. I have lots of regular customers./ Мне нравится моя работа,
так как я сама себе хозяйка. Я в этом бизнесе уже более десяти лет.
У меня много постоянных клиентов.

• tour company/ турагентство; это слово используется чаще, чем
travel agency.
• as well/ также, тоже
• I’m my own boss./ Я сам себе начальник; устойчивое выражение,
которое рекомендуется запомнить.
• over ten years/ свыше десяти лет; over имеет значение свыше,
больше, более.
• regular customers/ постоянные клиенты, постоянные покупатели
Вивчи правила про зворотні займенники та зроби вправу.

Ex.  Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.
1.  I forgot to call at the shop though I had reminded me/myselfabout it all day long
2.  Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves / them
3.  I lost control over me /myself andstarted laughing.
4.  Has she accepted him / his proposal?
5.  I was never less alone than when by itself /myself.
6.  Don’t make you yourselves / yourself amouse or the cat will eat you.
7.  Roll my log, and I will roll yourself / yours.
8.  The restaurant prides itself / himself on speed of service.
9.  More help is needed for people like ourselves / us.
10. She raised her daughter by herself / her.
Зворотні займенники в англійській мові утворюються від присвійних займенників з додаванням частки –self для однини і –selves для множинного.
Особисте займенникПрисвійний займенник
Ex.9. Перетвори речення з теперішнього неозначеного Present Simple на теперішній тривалий час Present Continuous, заміняючи обставини часу.
Example: I don't write letters every day. (now) — I am not writing letters now.

  1. I don't play chess every day. (now)
  2. Grandpa does not walk in the park very often. (right now)
  3. My brother doesn't often talk on the phone. (just now)
  4. We don't usually have supper at seven o'clock in the evening. (now)
  5. Rita doesn't read detective stories very often. (now)
  6. Granny doesn't listen to pop music. (at the moment)
  7. Those boys don't play basketball on Mondays. (now)
  8. They don't listen to the radio in the evening. (now)
  9. Sparrows don't sing beautiful songs. (at the moment)
  10. My dog doesn't eat apples. (now)
  11. His cat doesn't drink water. (now)
Переклади, будь ласка!

1. Йому  сподобався  новий  фільм?  2. Їм  сподобався  парк?  3. Так,  він  їм  дуже
сподобався. 4. Які книжки подобалися Мері? 5. Йому не сподобалася стаття. 6. Вам
сподобалася нова квартира Енн? 7. Де ви були учора? 8. Він не бачив вас на роботі.
9. Який фільм ви дивились два дні тому? 10. Ми дивились новий фільм про студен-тів.11. Вона бачила нового викладача позавчора. 12. Він подивився на мене і запитав
про Джейн. 13. Вона не обідала вдома позавчора. 14. Ви ходили гуляти перед вечерею?
15. Ти запросив своїх друзів на обід? 16. Що у вас було на сніданок? 17. Де був ваш
товариш? 18. Він вечеряв. 19. Що він хотів? 20. Він просив новий журнал. 21. Що він
запитав? 22. Він запитав про вашу сім’ю. 23. Вони ставили забагато запитань. 24. Він
шукав не зошит? 25. Він шукав підручник.
Внизу є характеристики компа. Спробуй дати відповіді на питання.
Та випиши незнайомі слова.

1What is the memory size of this PC?
2Which input devices are supplied?
3What size is the monitor?
4How fast is the processor?
5What is the capacity of the harddrive?
6Which operating system does it use?
7What multimedia features does the computer have?

Intel PentiumIV1.7GHz Processor
Mini Tower Chassis
256MB Rambus RDRAM
60GB  HardDrive
Embedded Intel 3D Direct AGPvi  with64MBSDRAM
64-voice wave tablesound
48XCD-ROM Drive
Microsoft Windows XP
1.44MB3.5"Floppy  Drive
Microsoft Intellimouse
105-key keyboard

среда, 18 января 2017 г.

Переклади виділені слова та перепиши ці речення у майбутній час!

1 I've scanned in about a third of these photographs.
2 I've organised the paintings into themes. (зімс)
3 I've added a soundtrack.(од)

вторник, 17 января 2017 г.

воскресенье, 15 января 2017 г.

. Перетвори твердження на заперечні речення.
Використай слова з дужок і фразу As far as I know... – Наскільки я знаю ...

          Example: Helen's aunt bought an airplane. (a car) — As far as I know her aunt didn't buy  
        an airplane. She bought a car.

  1. Mary saw Max at the meeting. (in the yard)
  2. They swam in the ocean last summer. (in the sea)
  3. Nick caught a butterfly in the classroom. (a fly)
  4. They fed a lion in the zoo. (goats)
  5. Denys left his dirty dishes on the table. (to wash the dishes)
  6. Granny lost her new computer disk. (her glasses)
  7. Rita jumped up and down when she got the news. (to laugh)
  8. His uncle built this house. (that house)
  9. They had a dictation yesterday. (the day before yesterday)
Привіт! Опрацюй і склади свій невеликий діалог на 4 речення. Подзвониш до мене на вібер і його розкажеш. Така буде практика мовлення

— Hello! Can I order a meal?/ Здравствуйте! Могу я заказать еду?
— Sure, ma’am. What would you like?/ Конечно, мэм. Что же-лаете?
— Pasta with seafood and tomato sauce and a large bottle of sparkling
water./ Спагетти с морепродуктами и томатным соусом и большую бу-тылку воды с газом.
— OK. Do you need ice?/ Хорошо. Вам нужен лед?
— Yes, please./ Да, пожалуйста.
— We will get you your food within twenty minutes./ Мы принесем вам
ваш заказ в течение двадцати минут.
— Can I sign the bill to my room?/ Можно записать счет на мой
— Sure, ma’am. You can sign it to your room./ Конечно, мэм, вы може-те записать счет на ваш номер.
— Is the tip included?/ Чаевые включены?
— No, the tip is not included on the bill./ Нет, чаевые не включены
в счет.

Обов'язково подивися і випиши 5 речень!!

Привіт! Треба поставити питання в часі Present perfect. Не забуть використовувати 3 колонку дієслова. Якщо питаєш когось, чи він коли-небуть щось робив, то вживаєщ цей час! Вивчи ту комп ютерну лексику, що тут є.

Have you ever downloaded music from the Internet?

1 send a video email attachment
2 fit an expansion card  карта розширення
3 replace a hard disk
4 fix a printer fault полагодив неполадки принтера
5 make your own website
6 have a virus
7 watched TV on the Internet
8 write a program
Past Simple Tense – Questions

           Change the sentences below into questions.
    eg. He went to the market yesterday.
    Did he go to the market yesterday?
1. They saw the movie last week. ______the movie last week?
2. Anna wrote him a letter. ______him a letter?
3.  George and Ilsa had dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday. _____dinner at the Maya
     Restaurant on Friday?
       4. They got up at 7 o'clock to go to work early. _____at 7 o'clock to go to work early?
       5.  He bought a new car last year. _____a new car last year?
 6. I arrived late for class. ______late for class?
 7. It rained all night? _______all night?
 8. We sat near the front. _____near the front?
 9. He walked to work yesterday. _____to work yesterday?
 10. She spoke to him about that. _____to him about that?

Таранічка, я не можу зрозуміти чому ти повторюєш ті ж помилки з допоміжними дієсловами в питальних реченнях. Ти їх взагалі не використовуєш..

14.When.... your engineer came back from vacation?DID    COME

16.Who went to London last week?-ЦЕ ДОБРЕ, БО МИ ГОВОРИЛИ ЩО ЦЕ ТАКИЙ ВИНЯТОК. 

20.She returned at home  ЗАПАМЯТАЙ!! ЧАСТО ВЖИВАЭТЬСЯ
21.What exercise you did at home yesterday? DID  YOU DO

23.Paul returned from the USA yesterday- тут добре
24.Your students were speaking English last year? Were спочатку!!!!!
25.When ... your sister came?  DID    COME

вторник, 10 января 2017 г.

Привітик. Прочитай, зрозумій та випиши незнайомі

What Is a Computer System?
A computer system consists of two parts: the software and the
hardware. The software is the information in the form of data and
program instructions. The hardware components are the electronic and
mechanical parts of the system. The basic structure of a computer
system is made up of three main hardware sections: the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), the main memory, and the peripherals.
The CPU is a microprocessor chip which executes program
instructions and coordinates the activities of all the other components.
In a way, it is the "brain" of the computer. Larger computers may have
two or more CPUs, in which case they are simply called "processors"
because each is no longer a "central" unit. Increasingly, personal
computers contain specialized graphic processors, with dedicated
memory, for handling the computations needed to display complex
graphics, such as for three-dimensional simulations and games.
The main memory holds the instructions and data which are
currently being processed by the CPU. The internal memory of a
microcomputer is usually composed of two sections: RAM (Random
Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory).
The peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer.
They include input/output devices as well as storage devices. Input
devices enable us to present information to the computer; for example,
the keyboard and the mouse. Output devices allow us to extract the
results from the computer; for example, we can see the output on the
monitor or in printed form Auxiliary data storage is usually provided
by an internal hard disk and may be supplemented by other media
such as CD-ROMs or DVDs.
These are the main physical units of a computer system,
generally known as the configuration.