Знову та сама помилка.
....I can speak German. Допиши Yes l can. чи no l can not
.....My mother can not speak English
......I could not speak English three years ago
.......I can skate
.....I not be able to skate tomorrow
......All my friends can play tennis
.......I can see the film in the cinema
.......I ......not be able to go the cinema this evening. А will де.????
.......I can buy books in the shop
........I can recite all poems
I can not.I can not speak German.
ОтветитьУдалитьNo She can not.My mother can not speak English
No I could not.I could not speak English three years ago
Yes I can.I can skate
No I not be able.I not be able to skate tomorrow
Yes They can.All my friends can play tennis
I can see the film in the cinema
Not I will not be able I will not be able to go the cinema this evening.
I can buy books in the shop
I can recite all poems