среда, 14 сентября 2016 г.

Напиши в теперішньому тривалому. Виділене переклади

Complete these sentences with  is/isn't,   am/am not,   are/aren't.
1 It.... going well.
2 I..... learning a new program.
3 She..... working in the office today. She has a day off.
4 They..... installing the new software.
 5 We.... setting up the network.
6 We..... using Word. We have a different word-processing program.
8 What..... he installing on the computer?
9 I.... coming in today. I'm sick.
10,,,,, she working at home today? 

2 комментария:

  1. 1 It is going well.
    2 I am learning a new program.
    3 She isn't working in the office today. She has a day off.
    4 They are installing the new software.
    5 We are setting up the network.
    6 We aren't using Word. We have a different word-processing program.
    8 What is he installing on the computer?
    9 I am not coming in today. I'm sick.
    10 Is she working at home today?

  2. установлювати нове програмне забезпечення
    настроювати мережу
    програма обробки текстів
