The Web was not built for geeks. It was built for everyone. It was built with very high ideals. No single company, government, or organization controls it. It was new and exciting. New ideas and words appeared almost daily. Obscure technical terms became household words overnight. First it was email. Then it was URL and domain name. Then rather quickly came spam, homepage, hyperlink, bookmark, download, upload, cookie, e-commerce, emoticon, ISP, search engine, and so on. Years later we are still making up new words to describe our online world. Now we "google" for information. We "tweet" what's happening around us to others. The new words never seem to stop
Тоді це був URL і доменне ім'я. Потім досить швидко появився спам, домашня сторінка, гіперпосилання, закладка,скачати, завантажити,куки, електронна комерція, смайлик,провайдер послуг Інтернету, пошукова система, і так далі.