воскресенье, 7 августа 2016 г.

  • Ex.1. Заповни пропуски  в прикладах.

    1. ... we play football after classes? (Ми будемо грати у фут­бол після занять?)
    2. ... they go to the Sports Centre tomorrow? (Вони підуть завтра в спортивный центр?)
    3. ... Max help his granny to find her glasses? (Макс допоможе бабусі знайти окуляри?)
    4. ... Rita ... to the cinema with us? (Pитa піде в кіно з нами?)
    5. ... it rain tomorrow? (Завтра буде дощ?)
    6. ... it snow the day after tomorrow? (Післязавтра буде сніг?)
    7. ... you ... us later? (Tи подзвониш нам пізніше?)
    8. ... she believe this story? (Вона повірить у цю історію?)

    Ex.2.Перетвори подані речения зі стверджувальних на запитальні.

    Example: The kitten will drink milk. — Will the kitten drink milk?
    1. They'll translate this article by themselves.
    2. He'll meet Rita and Victor in the park.
    3. Helen will surprise the teacher with her brilliant composi­tion.
    4. Those boys will break our window with their ball.
    5. Granny's parrot will tell us his new rhyme this evening.
    6. Dad will be busy tomorrow evening.
    7. They'll have a new flat next year.
    8. It will rain heavily this evening.
    9. We'll stay at the hotel.

  • 2 комментария:

    1. Will we play football after classes? (Ми будемо грати у фут­бол після занять?)
      Will they go to the Sports Centre tomorrow? (Вони підуть завтра в спортивный центр?)
      Will Max help his granny to find her glasses? (Макс допоможе бабусі знайти окуляри?)
      Will Rita go to the cinema with us? (Pитa піде в кіно з нами?)
      Will it rain tomorrow? (Завтра буде дощ?)
      Will it snow the day after tomorrow? (Післязавтра буде сніг?)
      Will you phone us later? (Tи подзвониш нам пізніше?)
      Will she believe this story? (Вона повірить у цю історію?)

    2. Will they translate this article by themselves.
      Will he meet Rita and Victor in the park.
      Will Helen surprise the teacher with her brilliant composi­tion.
      Will those boys break our window with their ball.
      Will Granny's parrot tell us his new rhyme this evening.
      Will Dad be busy tomorrow evening.
      Will they have a new flat next year.
      Will It rain heavily this evening.
      Will we stay at the hotel.
