четверг, 21 сентября 2017 г.

Exercise 7. Ask questions starting with «Is it worth ... ?»чи вартує 

I’ve seen this film. — Is it worth seeing? 1. We discussed Ukrainian and English cuisines. 2. They tasted her new cake. 3. I advise you to taste these green vegetables. 4. You should 127 go and see this play. 5. I’ve visited the Ukrainia
 Запам'ятай зразок і зроби вправу!! They invited me to his birthday party. — I thanked them for inviting me to his birthday party.

1. They invited me to dinner. 2. They served tea with milk. 3. Halyna cooked some delicious Ukrainian dishes. 4. She poured some tea into my cup. 5. She bought very fresh vegetables at the greengrocer’s for us. 6. She told me about Georgian cuisine. 
Exercise 4.

 Change the sentences using the Gerund. Follow the patterns A You often visit your friends. — I enjoy (am fond of, dislike) visiting my friends. 1. You work much at your English. 2. You read English books. 3. You go to the cinema very often. 4. You travel much in summer. 5. You don’t listen to classical music. 6. You don’t go to the theatre. 7. You often play tennis.

вторник, 19 сентября 2017 г.

He acted excellent . He's an excellently actor. Ну навпаки. Ти чудовий актор але граэш чудово!!!!!
They learn English easy. They think English is an easyly language.---навпаки
It's awful cold today. The cold wind is awfully--навпаки
Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell good If that is true, why does dog food smell so terrible?--terribly

I tasted the soup careful but it tasted wonderfully-----як ? уважно

вторник, 12 сентября 2017 г.

Re-write the sentences, adding the adverb in the correct location.
  1. She is at home. (rarely)
  2. He opened the door. (quietly)
  3. Can I sit down? (here)
  4. The students listened (attentively)
  5. We live in Glasgow (now).

  1. Our teacher, Mrs Jones,(never / be) late for lessons.score
  2. I(often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.score
  3. My brother(hardly ever / help) me with my homework.score
  4. I(sometimes / be) bored in the maths lessons.score
  5. We(rarely / watch) football on TV.score
  6. You and Tony(never / play) computer games with me.score
  7. You(usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.score
  8. The school bus(always / arrive) at half past eight.score
Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb).
  1. Tom is (slow) . He works .
  2. Sue is a (careful)  girl. She climbed up the ladder .
  3. The dog is (angry) . It barks .
  4. He acted (excellent) . He's an  actor.
  5. They learn English (easy) . They think English is an  language.
  6. Max is a (good)  singer. He sings .
  7. It's (awful)  cold today. The cold wind is .
  8. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme / good) . If that is true, why does dog food smell so (terrible) ?
  9. The little boy looked (sad) . I went over to comfort him and he looked at me .
  10. I tasted the soup (careful)  but it tasted (wonderful) .
This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house????    quietly

пятница, 8 сентября 2017 г.

Good- well-----------прикметник- прийменник

Вивчи"!!1. The adverbs and the adjectives in English

Adjectives tell us something about a person or a thing. Adjectives can modify nouns (here: girl) or pronouns (here: she).
Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify verbs (here: drive), adjectives or other adverbs.
Mandy is a careful girl.Mandy drives carefully.
She is very careful.She drives carefully.
Mandy is a careful driver. This sentence is about Mandy, the driver, so use the adjective.
Mandy drives carefully. This sentence is about her way of driving, so use the adverb.

2. Form

Adjective + -ly
Irregular forms:
If the adjective ends in -y, change -y to -i. Then add -ly:
  • happy – happily
  • shy – shyly
If the adjective ends in -le, the adverb ends in -ly:
  • terrible – terribly
If the adjective ends in -e, then add -ly:
  • safe – safely
► Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs:
  • adjectives ending in -ly: friendly, silly, lonely, ugly
  • nouns, ending in -ly: ally, bully, Italy, melancholy
  • verbs, ending in -ly: apply, rely, supply
There is no adverb for an adjective ending in -ly.
(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on adverbs)

Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb.

  1. James is careful. He drives  .
  2. The girl is slow. She walks  .
  3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English  .
  4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts  .
  5. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks  .
  6. He is a bad writer . He writes  .
  7. Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar  .
  8. He is a good painter . He paints  .
  9. She is a quiet girl. She does her job  .
  10. This exercise is easy. You can do it  .
Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb.
  1. Joanne is happy. She smiles .
  2. The boy is loud. He shouts .
  3. Her English is fluent. She speaks English .
  4. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us .
  5. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives .
  6. The painter is awful. He paints .
  7. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano .
  8. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house .
  9. She is a good dancer. She dances really .
  10. This exercise is simple. You  have to put one word in each space.
3. He is crazy about writeing code.   writing
What problems interest you most of all?--- What problems are you interested in most of all?
8. Valera paints pictures outstanding.   Добав ly Valera paints outstanding pictures . - це коли прикметник
10. You can do this exercise easy. Добав ly

воскресенье, 3 сентября 2017 г.

утвори прислівникики додаючи закінчення  Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adverb
1. Vasya drives __ (quick).
2. Sonya walks __ (slow).
3. Katya speaks English __ (perfect).
4. Our teacher shouted __ (angry).
5. My neighbor speaks really __ (loud).
6. This author writes __ (bad).
7. Vera plays the guitar __ (beautiful).
8. Valera paints pictures __ (outstanding).
9. Tanya does her job __ (good).
10. You can do this exercise __ (easy).

Put the adverb of frequency on the right place
1. Vasya listens to the radio. (often)
2. Lilya read a book. (sometimes)
3. Kirill gets angry. (never)
4. Anton is very friendly. (usually)
5. Nikita takes sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
6. My dog is hungry. (often)
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the morning. (always)
8. Andrey helps his mother in the garden. (usually)
9. You know, we watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10. You should speak during the meetings. (never)

Наречия частоты действия – always, normally, frequently, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never.
1. Используется после подлежащего, перед сказуемом (I usually drink coffee in the morning)
2. Используется после глагола Be и модальных глаголов (She is never late for work)
3. Слова occasionally, sometimes, often, usually, frequently, normally могут так же использоваться в начале и конце предложений (Usually I go to work by car)
вправа на прислывники Put the adverb of manner on the right place
1. This animal moved. (slowly and silently)
2. Kirill drives. (fast)
3. Did the meeting go? (well)
4. Katya speaks German. (fluently)
5. They have damaged their car. (badly)
6. Trust me, you can finish the task in an hour. (easily)
7. He does all things. (quickly)
8. You should take this matter. (seriously)
9. He drew the picture. (outstandingly / well)
10. He did his home work. (well)
Більшість прислівників утворюється головним чином від прикметників та іменників
за допомогою суфікса - ly


Якщо прикметник закінчується на - у, то -у змінюється на -і


Якщо прикметник закінчується на - е, то -е випадає


За своїм значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяються на такі групи:

Прислівники способу дії (Adverbs of Manner):
badly - погано,
well - добре,
slowly - повльно,
quickly- швидко та ін.

Прислівники часу (Adverbs of Time):
today - сьогодня,
yesterday - вчора,
soon - незабаром,
now - зараз,
late - пізно,
then - потім,
when - коли,
since - відтоді,
before - перед
already - вже, раніше
just - щойно, саме
yet -  ще, все ще та ін.

Прислівники частоти і повторюваності (Adverbs of Frequency and Repetition):
often -часто,
never - ніколи,
ever - колись,
always - завжди,
sometimes - іноді,
how often - як часто та ін.

Прислівники місця (Adverbs of Place):
here - тут,
there - там,
above - вище,
downstairs - внизу,
outside - зовні, на вулиці,
where - ду, куди, звідки та ін.

little - мало,
much - багато,
quite - цілком, майже,
very - дуже,
too - занадто, також ,
how much  - скільки
enough - достатньо, досить та ін.

Утворення прислівників

За своєю формою утворення прислівники в англійській мові розподілені на 4 групи: прості (Ssimple Adverbs), похідні (Derived Adverbs), складні (Compound Adverbs) та складені (Composite Adverbs).
Прості прислівники складаються з однієї основи, одного кореня:
how, as, fast, else
Похідні прислівники утворюються за допомогою додавання суфіксів. Найпоширенішим суфіксом є -ly. Також зустрічаються суфікси -most, -like, -fold, -ward(s), -wise:
slowly, warlike, clockwise, backwards
Складні прислівники утворюються за допомогою зливання декількох коренів:
somewhere, sometimes, nowhere
Прислівник – це частина мови, що позначає ознаку дії. Іншими словами, прислівник позначає як, де, коли та в якій мірі щось відбулося. Наприклад:

The guests moved hurriedly into the living room. – Гості з поспіхом перемістилися до вітальні.
Як правило, в реченні прислівники грають роль обставини способу дії, місця, часу та ступеня. Але бувають випадки, коли вони виступають в ролі означення.
Прислівники в англійській мові розподіляються на такі види: прислівники місця, часу, способу дії, міри та ступеня та інші (частоти повторюваності, питальні та ін.).
here, there -тут
where -де
inside -всередині
outside -зовні
above - зверху
below – знизу
somewhereanywhere – десь , будь-де
nowhere – ніде
elsewhere – де-небудь в іншому місці
now – зараз
when – коли
then – тоді
today – сьогодні
yesterday – вчора
tomorrow – завтра
before – раніше, перед чимось
lately -пізніше
recently – недавно
once – один раз
ever -коли-небудь
never -ніколи
always – завжди
seldom – рідко
usually – зазвичай
sometimes – іноді
already – вже
yet – вже, все ж
still – все ще
since – з того часу як
much – багато
little – мало
very – дуже
too – також
so – настільки
enough – достатньо
hardly – ледве
scarcely – навряд чи, ледь
nearly- поряд
almost – майже
well – добре
fastquickly – швидко, стрімко
slowly – повільно
quietly – тихо
easily – легко
also, either -також
else – інакше
only -тільки
how – як
та інші
Exercise 57. Change the sentences using «to be interested in» Tom finds politics interesting. — Tom is interested in politics.
1. I take great interest in modern literature. 2. Do you take any interest in cybernetics? 3. Do these experiments interest you? 4. These problems are of great interest to me. 5. What problems interest you most of all? 6. Astronomy is one of Tom’s main interests. 7. She finds mathematics very interesting. 
C They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. — You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview.
1. They’ll give us a lift. 2. They’ll organize the meeting on Saturday. 3. The teacher will examine the students in spring. 4. I’ll finish my work at 5 o’clock. 5. We’ll sign the treaty tomorrow. 6. A guide will show the tourists most of the sights of London. 7. They will type your letters in a minute. 8. The examiner will read the passage three times.
Exercise 56. Change the sentences using the Passive Voice according to the patterns

A/Tom opens the door. — The door is opened by Tom.
 1. They speak English in Australia. 2. The teacher answers questions. 3. The students make no mistakes in their dictations. 4. Tom takes the dog for a walk. 5. My mother makes the beds. 6. They eat a lot of rice in Asia. 7. My sister sweeps the room. 8. They never tell me the family news.

 В/They asked her her age. — She was asked her age.
 1. We discussed a new film yesterday. 2. They published an interesting article in this magazine. 3. Mary washed the dishes. 4. They translated the article with a dictionary. 5. We considered this matter at the conference. 6. My son broke the cup. 7. They asked me my name. 8. Someone told us a very funny story yesterday. 9. The secretary didn’t tell me the exact time of my appointment
Exercise 37. Change to the past. Use the words in brackets
 1. They usually have 5 lessons a day. (Last week). 2. How many lessons a day do you have? (Last month). 3. I usually work at the library on Saturday. I come home very late. (Last Saturday). 4. I am angry because Tom and Ann are late. (Last night). 5. I usually stay at home on my day off. (Last Sunday). 6. My colleague often visits us on Sunday. (Last Sunday). 7. We usually spend our summer holidays at the seaside. (Last summer). 8. Tom usually walks to work. (Last Monday). 

Напиши в формі герундія і переклади на укр мову!!!
1. I must admit __ (say) it.
2. She isn't good at __ (dance).
3. He is crazy about __ (write) code.
4. Why doesn’t she like __ (play) the game?
6. __ (get) a well-paid job is not easy.
7. __ (cook) is one of your hobbies, don't deny it, please.
8. They are afraid of __ (swim) in that river. So, am I.
9. You should give up __ (smoke) these awful cigarettes.
10. Vasya dreams of __ (become) a programmer.