суббота, 29 апреля 2017 г.

Сьогоднышню вправу зробив добре, продовжуй!!


Exercise 12. Change the sentences to the Past Indefinite and the Past Continuous Tenses using corresponding time phrases I go to the cinema. — I went to the cinema yesterday. — I was going to the cinema when I met you. 

1. It often snows in winter. 2. George sometimes cooks himself. 3. It gets dark early now. 4. On Sundays we often go to the forest. 5. I play the piano. 6. Tom often skates not far from his house. 7. The children drink milk in the evening. 8. We usually swim in the river and bathe in the sun in summer. 9. We usually have dinner in the evening. 

We understand German extremely well. Their native language is German.   


пятница, 28 апреля 2017 г.

. Fill in the blanks with little, a little, few, a few.
1. I'd like to make___remarks in connection with the topic under discussion.
2.___peopJe realize how important it is to go in for sports.
3. This student has deep knowledge in English and besides he knows___ French.
4. He is a man of.___words.
5. Only___names remained in his memory,
for this accident happened more than 20 years ago.
6. That lecture was so difficult that only___students could understand it.
7.1 had ___ hope of getting home tonight because I realized that I had lost my way.
8. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive___letters.
9. I'm having___trouble fixing this shelf. — Oh dear! Can I help you?
10.1 shall be away for___.days from tomorrow.
11. When you've wanted something very badly and it comes at last, it is somehow ___ frightening.
12. It was a cold windy evening, and there were___people in the park.
13. There were no doctors for the wounded, and to make things worse there was only ___ food
14. She asked permission to speak to the guest for___moments.
15.1 won't listen to you! I'd like to believe that there is___ hope left.

Read more: http://ksenstar.com.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=593:little-a-little-few-a-few-&catid=78:ex7&Itemid=94#ixzz4fXU4B95n
Как наречие Little, так и наречие Few означает "мало", "малое, недостаточное количество чего-либо". Разница заключается в том, что Little используется с неисчисляемыми существительными, а Few – с исчисляемыми существительными.
They have very little money.
У них очень мало денег.

There seems little hope.
Кажется, надежды мало.

He ate very little at lunch.
Он поел очень мало в обед.

Only few people can afford to pay such prices.
Мало кто может позволить себе такие цены.

I know few places that I could recommend to you.
Я мало знаю мест, которые могу тебе порекомендовать.
Если перед наречиями Little и Few используется неопределенный артикль a, они приобретают положительный оттенок, и имеют значение, сходное к слову some – "несколько", "некоторое количество", "немного" и т.д.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Few используется с исчисляемыми существительными.
We need to get a few things in town.
Нам нужно кое-что забрать в городе.

We've got a few cakes left over from the party. = We've got some cakes left over from the party.
У нас с вечера осталось несколько пирожных.
A Little используется с неисчисляемыми существительными.
With a little training Mike could do very well.
Немного потренировавшись, у Майка все получится.
Зверни увагу, many i much вживаються  здебільшого в питальних і заперечних реченнях. a LOT OF -В СТВЕРЖУВАЛЬНИХ. 
Зроби тести і перевір себе - в кінці відповіді 1. Emma ate too ... apples yesterday and she had a stomachache.
a) much
b) lots of
c) many
d) little
2. There isn't ... juice in the bottle.
a) much
b) many
c) a few
d) a lots of
3. The museum was very crowded. There were too ... people.
a) most
b) a lot of
c) much
d) many
4. She couldn't understand how her son managed to get so ... good marks.
a) a lot of
b) many
c) little
d) much
5. A lot of people want to have stylish cars very ... but they don't have enough money to buy them.
a) many
b) much
c) well
d) strong
6. He looks ... like my favorite actor.
a) plenty
b) many
c) much
d) badly
7. The little boy tried to eat as ... sweets as he possibly could.
a) much
b) plenty
c) a lot of
d) many
8. Выберите верный перевод предложения: У меня немного работы сегодня.
a) I haven't much work to do today.
b) I haven't many work to do today.
c) I haven't a much work to do today.
d) I haven't most work to do today.

1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-d, 8-a,
3. Insert much or many.
  1. They don't have ________ words to learn.
  2. There isn't ________ furniture in the room.
  3. There aren't ________ things in the wardrobe.
  4. There isn't ________ snow in the forest
  5. I don't take ________ money to school.
  6. Do you need ________ money?
  7. There are ________ new houses in the street.
  8. There are not ________ shops in our street.
  9. ________ people come to Moscow in summer.
2. Используйте «much» или «many» для выражения «Сколько…?».
  1. How … days?
  2. How … sugar?
  3. How … cigarettes?
  4. How … work?
  5. How … petrol?
  6. How … children?
  7. How … theatres?
  8. How … juice?

Найкраще описано, опрацюй


•  Местоимение much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными со значениеммного.
much work, much time, much energy
•  Местоимение many употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными со значением много.
many people, many friends, many questions
•  Much и many употребляются главным образом в вопросительных и отрицательныхпредложениях.
Hurry up, we haven’t got much time left. — Поторапливайся, у нас осталось мало времени.
Did you make many changes to the new edition of the book? — Вы внесли много изменений в новое издание книги?
•  Much и many употребляются в утвердительных предложениях в тех случаях, когда перед ними стоят слова very, too, so, as, how.
I spent too much time writing this report. — Я потратил слишком много времени на написание этого доклада.
There are so many questions I would like to ask her. — Я хотел бы задать ей так много вопросов.
a lot of 
В утвердительных предложениях вместо much и many, как правило,  употребляется a lot (of).
Much и many также можно использовать в утвердительных предложениях, но вариант a lot (of) гораздо более распространен.
I had a wonderful time at the conference, met a lot of people and learned a lot about Internet security. — Я замечательно провел время на конференции, познакомился со многими интересными людьми, и много узнал о безопасности в Интернете.

пятница, 21 апреля 2017 г.

Exercise 6. Use the right form of the possessive pronoun

 She speaks English. — Her native language is English.

 1. He reads French perfectly. …native language is French. 2. We understand German extremely well. …native language is German. 3. I speak English fluently. …native language is English. 4. She writes Greek exceptionally well. …native language is Greek. 5. They speak Russian very well. …native language is Russian. 6. You understand Spanish perfectly. Is …native language Spanish? 7. John knows English well. …native language is English. 
Exercise 4. Use the right form of the verb

 1. She (read) French pretty well. 2. We (understand) Chinese a little. 3. You (speak) Italian very well. 4. He (know) Arabic extremely well. 5. Betty (understand) Greek. 6. They (write) Japanese very well. 7. I (know) a little Spanish. 8. Helen and George (speak) Portuguese fluently. 
Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative
 I am interested in football. — I am not interested in football.

1. It is warm today. 2. Rome is in Spain. 3. I am afraid of dogs. 4. My hands are cold. 5. He is hungry. 6. They are very happy today. 7. Her daughter is six years old. 8. Those flowers are beautiful. 9. His shoes are very dirty. 
Exercise 1. Put in «am», «is», «are»

1. This case … very heavy. 2. These cases … very heavy. 3. My brother and I … good tennis players. 4. She … at home but her children … at school. 5. I … a student. My sister … a doctor. 6. I … not tired. 7. The weather … very nice today. 8. This castle … one thousand years old. 
Exercise 12. Change the sentences to the Past Indefinite and the Past Continuous Tenses using corresponding time phrases I go to the cinema. — I went to the cinema yesterday. — I was going to the cinema when I met you. 

1. It often snows in winter. 2. George sometimes cooks himself. 3. It gets dark early now. 4. On Sundays we often go to the forest. 5. I play the piano. 6. Tom often skates not far from his house. 7. The children drink milk in the evening. 8. We usually swim in the river and bathe in the sun in summer. 9. We usually have dinner in the evening.